I have a hard time believing how much Sara has grown over the last five months. She has changed in so many ways. Five short months ago she was so small and delicate. That first night in the hospital the only way I could get her to sleep was curled up in a ball in my arm beside me. Now she is as long as my torso and can hold herself upright. Five months ago she would sleep making little squeaks as she snuggled against you, now she wants nothing more than to be awake, being part of whatever is happening. I'm amazed by her everyday. I love how graceful she is towards Hannah. She tolerates every hug, pat and kiss. She gives a smile to anybody who looks her way, but she is selective with who she will talk to. I love hearing her giggle, which only Hannah can invoke consistently. Sara is happiest when she is included in whatever is going on around her, she wants to sit at the table with us at meal times, when we read books or play on the floor. She watches Hannah so intently that I know she will be crawling soon enough to keep up with her big sister. When she is in her jolly jumper she puts her whole heart into, often jumping before I even have her in the thing. Everything gets thoroughly examined both with her hands and her mouth. I love how at night after I have fed her she will still snuggle, pushing her face against my neck. I love the smile she gives me when I walk into the room. There are so many things about Sara that amaze me it would take a month just to write them all down, and by then there would be so many more new ones.
Hannah is my big little girl. She is becoming more of a big girl everyday. Each day she tries to gain a little more independence. I am so proud of how she: picks out her own clothes; puts on her own socks; goes potty by herself (sort of); Drinks from a big girl glass; reads books by herself; goes to bed easily; and the list goes on. Her recent discovery of the words "NO" and "mine" frustrate me, but I understand that she is becoming her own person, and this is all part of it. I love how thoughtful she can be of other people, concerned if they hurt themselves, and upset if somebody is missing out on something exciting. I love how concerned she gets when Sara is upset, and how helpful she is in giving Sara her toys back when she drops them. Her excitement about life is infectious and she can always cheer me up. I love how she still needs me to hug her when she hurts, and tuck her in at night. Hannah is my brave girl, she wants to try everything out. At the park she climbs to the top of the tallest slides, and runs across the swinging bridges without hesitation. She has learned to climb up various types of ladders including a rope ladder. She is shy of strangers but once she knows you, she is always willing to give away hugs. Hannah amazes me with her ability to find fun in anything, from running around in circles in the yard to reading a book by herself. She loves to smile, and I don't know anybody who can resist smiling back.
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